Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So it's been awhile since I've been on here! lol. I come to check my friend Donel's but never leave a piece behind!
Yesterday we went for a day trip to Monterey. We really needed it. It's just so hard to get in any family time these days. Ross is in school Tues,Weds,Thurs...and saturday. Estrella has dance and volley ball through out the week also. whew! lot's going on. Things are tight but it seems like God is providing everything we need when we need it. Which only proves to us more that this is the path we're supposed to be on. Estrella is turning into this amazingly wonderful little girl. She's so responsible and caring. She's trying to keep shopping urge in check cause she knows we don't have much money and at the same time she's trying to save the world one faucet and light switch at a time. lol. I love that girl. Rossi is my crazy little man lately. His Vocabulary has been leaping forward lately! It's hard to keep up! lol. I love that boy more then I could have imagined. I see so much of his father in him. He plots things out and weighs things he's not supposed to do on wether it's worth it or not. lol. He's crazy! So much fun and so scary all at the same time. He's hardly around any other little boys and he's so naturally running around like a super hero. It's amazing to see. I asked God for a Spaz and I got one! Makes me miss Estrella when she was this small. She's growing so much and I just ache for her to slow down. lol. She's not above her age or anything but she's just so big! Ross and I are closer then ever. It's just so nice to have him around. He's been missing for so long. It's amazing, between working and going to school it still feels like he's here more then when he was working at Lithia. The Lithia weight has been lifted from him and the sparkle is back in his eyes. I love that man. So I guess what I am saying is I am so amazingly blessed right now. Thank you Jesus for this life.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The dream

I am haunted by this reacurring dream I am having. Of a little boy around my little boys age that is being hurt. I am trying to protect him and I end up holding my son and this little boy on the ground of my daughters school underneath me. Like a bird holding it's chicks under wings. I have my son and I know he's safe so I look over to this little boy...I see his face clear and he's looking at my son. Then across my cheast these two boys join hands and I say it's okay Jonathan, I got you...it's okay baby. and their hands clasped together is the last image I have. After this I have dreams of him playing with my son. Sleeping in the same room and I even mumble to my husband to "check on the boys" or make sure Rossi and Jonathan are still asleep. As he's leaving, I'm half asleep saying this....not aware then he starts asking me about it and as I'm waking up I realize what I have said. I'm not quite sure what to do about this. Is God giving me a dream of a boy that's to come...of one that I've lost? Were Rossi and Jonathan the twins that I carried and miscarried and begged God for only to recieve one of the two? Or is jonathan a boy that I'm supposed to be on the watch for? A boy that we should be adopting? I'm puzzled and that image of those two boys' hands haunts me. I do lift it up to you Lord but please tell me what to do!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Snitch

So I was out with some girls and my sister yesterday and when I got home my amazing husband had the kids fed, in bed and even straightened up the living room....or so I thought!!!!
This was until my daughter,....who I lovingly call "The Snitch" tells me that Daddy fed her a burrito from the microwave and didn't feed Rossi anything but a baby shake..(which wasen't entirely true but it was close...lol) then she tells me that She got to have ice cream cause she straighten up the whole living room. lol..so I asked her what daddy was doing...she said...he was watching me! lol...which to her means she has such a great daddy to make sure she dosen't hurt herself cleaning! My Husband when confronted....lol...laughs and says....okay,...I shared my dinner with him and then gave him a pediasure to make sure he got all his vitamin...and as for her cleaning....I was supervising and delagating responsibility! lol....I love my man!!! lol